OCT 2020: Launch of Opera UK

As colleagues on the continent enter lockdown lite and start to close their doors again, in the UK we continue facing local lockdowns, regional tiers and the inevitable national circuit breakers to come.

Our European Houses and Concert Halls have achieved much over the last few months however and there’s been some interesting takeaways. With a fifth of the capacity they were designed for, large auditoria and expansive foyers have become daunting rather than inspiring spaces. Without the shoulder-to-shoulder security of large gatherings, audiences too have been learning to applaud again…more tentative with the distance now separating them. Everything has changed, drawing painful parallels to the industry we once took for granted.

If there were ever a time to communicate and learn from one another, it’s now. Last week Opera UK launched with the remit to future-proof our sector through professional collaboration, support and advocacy. It will become a resource for individuals as well as companies, and everyone’s voice will be needed to build an inclusive and sustainable future for opera.

To find out more about Opera UK or to sign up as a member please visit their website. I’ve joined the conversation, will you?

Posted in News.

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